
Follow/subscribe (no need to like) RSS feeds for: Here Everything Blog posts Hugo automatically generates RSS/Atom feeds for this site and every section and tag within it.1 Thanks, Hugo! You can add index.xml to the end of any URL ending with a slash on this site to get the corresponding feed address. Elsewhere Mastodon2 What’s a feed? A web feed3 is a stream, river, or firehose4 of content on a whole website, website section, or social profile, (usually) ordered chronologically, which you can follow alongside other feeds in the feed reader of your choice. So, instead of starting your lunch break by opening a web browser and clicking your bookmarks for your twenty favourite websites (not that there’s anything wrong with that), you can open your feed reader to see what those twenty (or 200, or 2,000) sites have posted or updated since your last visit. ...

 · 368 words · Claudine Chionh