Status 2023
Oh hi, it’s been a while. ...
Oh hi, it’s been a while. ...
tl;dr: I have withdrawn from my PhD and will start a Master of Information Management in February 2020. From mid-2017 to mid-2018, I was enrolled in a PhD at the University of Divinity, on the topic of queer Christian autobiographies as expressions of practical theology. At the time, it felt like synchronicity. In mid-2017 Australia was in the throes of the marriage equality postal survey and the diversity of Christian perspectives on sexuality was finally becoming more widely known. I still believe that what faithful Christians (and members of other faiths) need to hear is more stories of the lives and experiences of real queer people – including queer people of faith – rather than more dogmatic arguments based on abstract philosophy and ancient texts, as that ground has been covered well in forty years of queer theology. I hoped to foreground contemporary use of autobiography and memoir as spiritual practice in order to help re-orient the way we talk about sexuality and religion. ...